Are Hormones SAFE?

The bad news: Breast cancer has risen 256% since 1950. One of the largest studies done to date, the Women’s Health Initiative Study showed that women who took only estrogen had LOWER rates of breast cancer than the placebo group (the group who took no hormones). And, remarkably this advantage continued for more than TEN YEARS after the study. So high estrogen conveyed a protective advantage against breast cancer.
“The risk of breast cancer increases with age beyond menopause & the relationship between obesity and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women is well established”. (J. Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2015 Sep,153:35-44) The majority of breast cancers are Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+.) Obese tissue stimulates many inflammatory compounds, one of which is aromatase enzyme which converts androgens-male like hormones-into estrogens. Aromatase enzyme activity is increased by alcohol, age, obesity, insulin and gonadotropins. In post menopausal women not taking hormones, the concentration of estradiol in the breast is 20x greater than in blood stream. This breast estradiol arose from inflammatory aromatase enzyme.
In younger obese women the fat is more subcutaneous while in the post menopausal woman without estradiol, the fat is more male-like in distribution and inflammatory, promoting aromatase. We have receptors for estrogen in our brains, bones, and really all over our body. Estradiol replacement at menopause restores blood levels to nourish all those receptors.
What about women at higher risk for breast cancer who have the BRCA1 mutation? Does estradiol increase their risk of cancer? No, in a study of 472 women with this gene, hormone therapy with estradiol was protective, decreased their risk of cancer. (Hormone Therapy and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Oct 1, 100(19):1361-7)
Discuss with your doctor before making any decisions about hormone therapy, and certainly not based on this brief article. I believe that hormones and breast cancer prevention or promotion are still under intense research. So what to do? Lower blood sugar, limit alcohol, and lose weight by a low carbohydrate, Mediterranean style diet combined with exercise daily. Consider hormone restoration as a quality of life issue.
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