Antiaging therapy in San Antonio from Enhancement of Life Center enhances appearance and health by delaying the start of age-related issues, such as wrinkles, weight gain, lack of vitality, and more. Antiaging therapy uses a multi-combined strategy to wellness, with various treatment methods that focus on rejuvenation, energy, and strengthening muscle and bones.

vitamin injection

Many of the issues of aging can be associated with hormone levels declining. Both genders undergo changes in hormone levels as they age. Part of Enhancement of Life Center’s antiaging therapy in San Antonio may include the use of hormone therapy to restore and maintain hormone levels. Everyone ages differently. Our antiaging programs accommodate the individual needs and concerns of each person. In addition to hormone replacement therapy, many antiaging programs will incorporate healthy diet counseling, exercise guidance, and safe, proven obesity treatment.

To find out more about our antiaging therapy in San Antonio and other age-related augmentation treatments, please stop by our Enhancement of Life Center website at In addition, if you’d like to set up an appointment or have any questions or concerns, please call us or write us today. We will generate an antiaging plan geared to managing your youthful appearance and spirit in the most productive way possible.