At The Enhancement of Life Center in San Antonio, we are dedicated to improving the lives of our patients through innovative health solutions, including the use of bio-identical hormones. These hormones play a pivotal role in harmonizing bodily functions and enhancing overall health, and we believe it’s essential for our patients to understand their significance.

pellet therapy San Antonio

Bio-identical hormones are designed to be chemically identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. This unique property makes them fundamentally different from synthetic hormones. The body recognizes these bio-identical hormones just like its own, which significantly reduces the risk of adverse side effects often associated with hormone replacement therapy.

In our practice, we use these natural hormones to address a variety of health concerns, ranging from menopause symptoms in women to testosterone deficiencies in men. Our patients have experienced remarkable improvements in their energy levels, mood, sleep quality, and overall well-being after starting their personalized hormone therapy programs.

A key component of our approach is Hormone Pellet therapy. This method involves placing small pellets, containing the bio-identical hormones, under the skin. These pellets gradually release small doses of hormones, providing an optimal, steady level of therapy. The insertion of these pellets is a simple procedure. Typically, they are placed in the hip through a small incision which is then taped closed. This method is favored for its convenience, effectiveness, and for providing a consistent hormone delivery over several months.

At The Enhancement of Life Center, we are committed to offering our patients treatments that not only address their immediate health concerns but also enhance their long-term quality of life. By utilizing natural bio-identical hormones, we’re able to offer a solution that is both effective and in harmony with the body’s natural processes. We invite our San Antonio community to explore the benefits of bio-identical hormone therapy and experience a new level of wellness. Contact us today to learn more at: