In San Antonio, at The Enhancement of Life Center, we’re proud to offer a revolutionary approach to hormone therapy: Hormone Pellet Therapy. This method has become increasingly popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness in delivering consistent, natural results for both men and women.

pellet therapy San Antonio

Our bodies rely on a delicate balance of hormones to function optimally. When this balance is disturbed, it can lead to a range of health issues. Traditional methods of hormone therapy often involve daily pills or creams, which can be inconvenient and lead to fluctuating hormone levels. Hormone Pellet Therapy, however, simplifies this process by providing a steady release of hormones over several months.

The procedure involves the insertion of small, rice-sized pellets under the skin. These pellets are made from natural bio-identical hormones, identical on a molecular level to the hormones naturally produced by the body. This compatibility ensures that the body can use these hormones effectively, minimizing the risk of side effects.

One of the key benefits of Hormone Pellet Therapy is its ability to maintain consistent hormone levels, avoiding the peaks and valleys often associated with other hormone replacement methods. For our patients in San Antonio, this means better control over symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, and weight gain.

The insertion process is quick and straightforward. We typically insert the pellets in the hip through a small incision, which is then taped closed. This minimally invasive procedure allows our patients to return to their daily activities with little to no downtime.

We at The Enhancement of Life Center are committed to providing our patients with the latest advancements in healthcare. Hormone Pellet Therapy is just one of the ways we’re helping men and women in San Antonio achieve a better quality of life. If you’re considering hormone replacement therapy, we invite you to explore this innovative option with us. Together, we can work towards achieving your health and wellness goals. Learn more by browsing our website: