Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient for a healthy life. It protects DNA and RNA, promotes vitality, preserves brain cells, stimulates serotonin creation, improves red blood cell development, supports immune function, and helps sustain a positive spirit. Current estimates show that as many as 50% of people in the United States have a B12 deficiency. For a vitamin injection in San Antonio, visit us at The Enhancement of Life Center.

vitamin injection

Vitamin B12 is found in animal products such as organ meats, fish, beef, and dairy products. If you do not eat those foods, you are at risk of deficiency, in which case a Vitamin B12 supplement is advised. Methylcobalamin is a refined, natural form of Vitamin B12 used by The Enhancement of Life Center. It can be assimilated easily and utilized by the body quickly. This is especially true when injected because it circumvents the small intestine’s absorption process and is directly accepted by the blood.

At The Enhancement of Life Center, we provide a vitamin injection in San Antonio that can make a vast difference in how you feel. If you are interested in vitamin injection and how it can improve your life, please visit our Enhancement of Life Center website at We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to set up a consultation, call us or use our website contact form.